Monday, November 17, 2008

More microtrends

9. Pro-semites - never has Jewishness been so fashionable, with US gentiles seeking them out for marriage and participating in their customs

10. Cougars - post-menopausal women dating much younger men

11. Older dads - new dads over the age of 45 are said to be more relaxed and interested in the lives of their kids, but still parenting into their 60s

12. hard of hearing - not just an aging phenomenon; 1/3 of those are young, a result of the noisier world we live in (ex: airplanes, hair dryers, cellphones, iPods)

13. pets - the increase in pets has shot up in the same percentage as the decrease in homes with children; most of the increase generated by single women; the top 1% of pets live better than 99% of humanity

14. single women - statistically, 3% of heterosexual women will never find a mate in the US, victims of a few trends, including a rise in gay men

15. pampered parents - US parents have become more permissive: no longer letting babies cry it out, no longer spanking, no longer withdrawing privileges after children say "I hate you" or use illegal drugs

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