Sunday, November 16, 2008

Microtrends by Mark Penn, 2007

I checked out this audiobook from the library - it's fascinating. Penn, who assisted Bill Clinton's campaigns and coined the term soccer moms, claims there are 70 microgroups in the US who account for more than 1% of the population and represent future changes in society. Businesses and politicians who can meet their needs will prosper.

Some examples:
1. Moderate Muslims - Penn says the typical American Muslim looks like the typical American in terms of conservative/liberal breakdown, religious adherence, education. This is different than in Europe, where Muslims are markedly more fanatical, where 1 in 7 say suicide bombing is OK and more than half don't believe Arabs flew plans into the WTC.
2. Internet marrieds - the stigma with online dating has waned, and more people -- especially urban liberals -- are turning to the Internet to find the One.
3. Ardent amazons - these are highly physical women, typically 5'7" and 175 lbs, who are thriving in professions such as firefighting, law enforcement, and the military. Surprisingly, 75% are conservative and most are rural.
4. Sun haters - this is the new anti-tobacco campaign; they go to extreme lengths in clothing to protect against sun exposure, because of fears that skin cancer will overtake lung cancer as the #1 cancer
5. Latino Protestants - though 70% of Latino immigrants are Catholics, a huge number are Protestant; not mainline, but Pentecostal. The Pentecostals have a sophisticated marketing and precinct machine much like the Democrats of the 1800s.
6. 30 Winkers - they sleep less than 6 hours a night routinely, due to work, long commutes, kids, or health problems. As a result, they demand late-night services.
7. Extreme commuters - they commute longer than 1.5 hours each way in order to enjoy a rural or remote lifestyle on the weekends
8. Commuter couples - Usually high-end professionals, they live in different places Monday through Friday but fly home to be together on the weekends - and report high marital happiness and low infidelity.

more to come...

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