Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Eve of Obama

Today we vote. The perception since McCain halted his campaign to focus on the financial crisis has been that Obama will win. The state-by-state polls project that he will win by a wide margin -- 318 electoral votes. The general feeling you get is that he will win, but that McCain is closing and it'll be closer than you'd expect.

I should be happy, right, being a progessive? The feeling among my liberal friends is that this is going to be a big whoosh of fresh air after years of war, expanded presidential powers, lower standing in the world, and a recent recession. There is the added hope that a supermajority in Congress will ensure any pro-abortion justice will be confirmed no problem, as well as a glut of open judge positions.

But what is a Catholic to think? Time for four years of re-engaging in public life like never before. And praying for Obama's conversion. I say McCain tops 200 electoral votes.

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