Friday, September 5, 2008

Freedom and truth

Is it liberating to be a nihilist, to be free from the constraints of cultural mores and belief systems, free to chart your own course?


That is, to the extent that these belief systems are false.

If God does exist, and his laws define the path to liberation, then straying from that path necessarily leads to delusion, and enslavement to that delusion.

True freedom depends on truth. "The truth shall set you free," as it says on the left wall of the entrance into CIA headquarters.

If God does exist, and he does, then the nihilist lives in a temporary cacoon from which his wings will never spring.


Anonymous said...

A nihilist would surely argue that while they may be free from the constraints of religious mores, that does not necessarily free them from cultural ones that differ.

For a nihilist, an assertion that God does exist or that there is ‘truth’ remains unfilled. Surely one must have an experience for which they can affirm this belief.
Imagine for a moment that God doesn’t exist, then doesn’t staying on His path necessarily lead to delusion and enslavement to that delusion?

How else would someone from say the Inca religion reconcile ‘truth’ as we know it today, after all their religion believed in human sacrifice. How might one sort out which religion got the path to liberation correct?

FlyDad said...

Ha, thanks Cooking Girly Girl. :)

Quid est veritas? What is the truth.

Well, we have two ways of knowing, right? We have what our senses tell us, and we have what our interior voice or conscience tells us, right? Can you think of another way of knowing? This is important to get this straight first. I promise it's not a trick question.