Sunday, September 14, 2008

Barack Hussein Obama's faith

I read a Time article on this subject, and it really wasn't clear what he believes in at all. I couldn't find anything clearly Christian. And apparently no one in South Africa, of all places, believes he isn't a Muslim.

Which led me to do some research into this credible source.


Anonymous said...

You know the polls have actually show that more people today believe that Obama is a Muslim then ever before. Can you image this Muslim tortured himself for 20 years sitting at the pulpit of fiery Reverend Wright's Christian Church. What great lengths he went to deceive us all. Can you imagine a Muslim as president?

Holy Moose stop this guy now!!!!

FlyDad said...

Very good point Girly Girl. You sound frustrated by this!

A true-believer Muslim wouldn't be going to church. He'd be going to mosque every Friday. Obama is not a secret member of Al-Qaeda.

Let's take Barack at his word. He told the Times reporter he rarely went to church, once a month at the most, with stretches of months without going, especially after the kids were born.

I think his time at Wright's church was a social experience. If it was spiritual, I would guess he'd be there a lot more often. Barack is neither Muslim nor Christian.

I don't know who I'd prefer as President -- a Muslim who knows what he believes, a person with a Muslim/Christian background who doesn't have clearly stated beliefs, or a Christian who compromised his beliefs in a major way by getting divorced or supporting abortion rights.

Our selections this year aren't great!

I will vote McCain in the hopes we get pro-life justices. And hope that someday the Democrats will be truly a big-tent party and make room for pro-life progressives. The party would be so powerful if it at least went neutral on abortion.