Sunday, June 29, 2008

Why Christian?

Within the diverse crowd that calls itself liberal are a good number of those who don't believe in God. I was once such a person. I thought that when I died, I would cease to exist. And, you know, I really didn't worry about it, because it seemed so long away.

But I still sought the truth. I was restless about finding the truth. Especially about the big questions: Why am I here? Where did I come from? Where am I going? I had a strong instinct that the answers to these questions had to be very simple.

And so I think the questions and answers are still very simple. Jesus of Nazareth did walk the earth. Either he was God, as he said he was, or he wasn't. And he started a church. Either it became what was later called the Catholic Church, as the Church claims, or it became something else. Either the Church gives us the best answers we have this side of death to those questions -- why am I here, where did I come from, where am I going -- or no one really has those answers.

I say Jesus was God, his church was and is the Catholic Church, and the Church calls us to give all of ourselves every moment of the day to God and neighbor. This is love -- a total self donation. It is the origin and destiny of every human being who says "yes".

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