Monday, June 2, 2008

New 100 meter record

My liberal friends are reluctant to acknowledge the results of a study by Track & Field magazine some time ago... that the top 3 finishers in the Olympic 100 meter dash for the past several decades have been men of West African descent - whether they be wearing the flag of the US, Canada, Britain, or Jamaica. I say more power to them.

And yesterday, the world record fell again, to the unbelievable time of 9.72. It takes me that long to roll out of bed.

Doubts Rise as 100-Meter Record Falls

...The 6-foot-5 Bolt, 21, who was aided by an allowable tailwind, is undeniably a prodigious talent. As a 15-year-old, he won the world junior championship at 200 meters. He later became the first junior sprinter to break 20 seconds for the 200. He holds the Jamaican record of 19.75 seconds and finished second to Gay in the 200 at the 2007 world championships.

Wariness about Bolt stems from the fact that he has run the 100 only five times professionally, yet he has posted two of the three fastest performances ever.

If Bolt is clean — and at this point there is no evidence that he is not — he already finds himself a victim of the most corrosive aspect of pervasive doping: the innocent can no longer prove their innocence.

“People are suspicious,” said Mary Wittenberg, the chief executive of New York Road Runners and race director of the New York City Marathon. “It’s going to take another generation of athletes before we can get over it, probably.”

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