Monday, June 16, 2008

Gay marriage in California no gain for progressives

I don't know if I have one progressive friend who understands my reluctance to embrace this slowly accelerating movement to recognize gay civil unions and marriages. Either my own liberal credentials are questioned, or my comments are met with silence or simply ignored.

I think we are progressive Catholics have to seriously ask ourselves what does it mean to be Catholic. What does it mean to be another Christ. During his encounter with the Magdaline, he did not say to her your lifestyle is OK, let alone granting her a certificate sanctioning it. He said go and sin no more.

Sin is a hard thing for my liberal friends to deal with, because it means there are sinners in need. It feels condescending, so we don't like it.

But conservative Catholics will rightly question our commitment to our shared faith if we go willy nilly over the cliff of hyberbole surrounding these latest developments. This is not a good development for us.

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