Monday, June 30, 2008

"Quality time"

My wife read to me an excerpt, purportedly true, of a man who'd been keeping a daily journal. Apparently his son was keeping a journal at the same time. Somehow it came to the point that someone was reading both journals side by side, years later.

One day the father had taken his son fishing. The fish weren't biting, they didn't catch anything, not much was said between them. The father wrote in his journal that it was a pretty dull day.

The son wrote in glowing terms how it was the best day of his life.

I'm noting a small but growing trend among my liberal friends of the wives feeling confident enough in themselves to take a break from the career and be at home for the kids. They are confident enough that they no longer have to prove anything to anyone that they could re-enter the workforce any time and make a killing. But the kids thrive when they're home, they know it, and they go for the dream of staying home.

And with mom's example, Dad follows not far behind in cutting short the "surge" hours at work.

But there is still a narrow-minded portion of our liberal friends who still see things in such black-and-white terms about putting kids in daycare so that Mom can succeed, and if someone needs to stay home, Dad should consider it.

We have to have the confidence to accept the possibility that there are inborn differences between the sexes. This is not a limiting reality, but a liberating one.

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