Monday, May 12, 2008

Into the corporate belly

In two days I have the interview for the big corporate job. I'm going to give him five reasons he shouldn't hire me:

1. I don't need the job. I don't want to be CEO. I don't want to be general counsel. I don't want to hang around five years for vestment. I'm here to get a job done in 2 to 3 years and then turn a mature program over to a maintenance person.

2. I know this isn't a 9 to 5 job. But it'll be an 830 to 530 job for me. My family comes first. I have this now and there's no reason I see for giving it up. If you need a 24 x 7 guy then I'm not your man.

3. My base salary need isn't negotiable. It's what I'm currently making in my business. My revenues have actually gone up since I put that number on the application. And I'm going to be asking for more staff and 3 to 5 million to get this done. If you're under a mandate to hold costs, then you shouldn't hire me.

4. I don't think quick on my feet. So I'm not a pro at board meetings. I can't absorb information all at once and make split-decision comebacks. I need time to see how everything fits together. But, I'm excellent behind the scenes. If you need a showman, then I'm not your man.

5. You're on the red team, and I'm on the blue team. If you need someone to share your philosophical views in order to trust him, you shouldn't hire me. But I can tell you I would be unwaveringly loyal.

Why would I want to do this? Because it would fix my revenue stream at its current high rate, and it would be the biggest challenge of my career.

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