Friday, May 9, 2008

3 men, 2 business propositions, 1 goal

Fridays are my day for getting out of the office to take up lunch and meeting offers. I met three guys today: one 20ish new father early in his career, one highly successfully 40ish father of several, one late 40ish moderately successful, unknown family.

The new father and the late 40ish were both proposing ways to join our businesses. They both make sense. Up until now, these joint business ventures have been a mixed bag. They sound great up front, but it takes sustained energy to make it work. Energy is a scarce commodity.

I love being on my own to have these kind of meetings -- which all have the goal of moving these guys closer to the cross, through work and friendship.

I wouldn't be out on the town like this if I took the big corporate job.

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