Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Gays' kids 7 times more likely to be gay

So, is this evidence against homosexuality being genetic? Or for it?


'Gay' family kids 7 times more likely to be homosexual
But report shows researchers concealing information

Posted: June 08, 2009
10:09 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

A licensed psychologist with both clinical and forensic practice outreaches is warning that it appears children of homosexual couples are seven times more likely to develop "non-heterosexual preferences" than other children, but lawmakers establishing policy often don't know that because the researchers have concealed their discoveries.

"Research … although not definitive, suggests that children reared by openly homosexual parents are far more likely to engage in homosexual behavior than children raised by others," said the online report by Trayce L. Hansen.

Studies she reviewed suggest children raised by homosexual or bisexual parents "are approximately seven times more likely than the general population to develop a non-heterosexual sexual preference."

The "studies thus far find that between 8 percent and 21 percent of homosexually parented children ultimately identify as non-heterosexual," the psychologist wrote. "For comparison purposes, approximately 2 percent of the general population are non-heterosexual. Therefore, if these percentages continue to hold true, children of homosexuals have a 4 to 10 times greater likelihood of developing a non-heterosexual preference than other children."

However, those researchers who found such differences "nonetheless declared in their research summaries that no differences were found," the report said.

(Story continues below)

"Many believe they concealed their findings so as not to harm their own pro-homosexual, sociopolitical agendas," the report said.

For example, Among the numerous studies Hansen reviewed was the 1996 work by Golombok and Tasker.

The authors of the study specifically looking at children of homosexual parents found "the large majority of children who grew up in lesbian families identified as heterosexual."

However, Hansen said in the study, in order for an adult child to be classified as non-heterosexual, "the adult child had to currently identify as non-heterosexual and commit to a future identity as a non-heterosexual – a very unusual method for coding non-heterosexuality."

She continued, "The authors didn't mention this point or offer any explanations or comments about it. Nonetheless, 16 percent of those reared by lesbians had homosexual or bisexual levels of same-sex attraction, while 0 percent of the children of heterosexuals did. That's 16 percent compared to 0 percent. Additionally, 67 percent of the children from lesbian family backgrounds said that they had 'previously considered, or thought it a future possibility, that they might experience same-gender attraction or have a same-gender sexual relationship or both' compared to 14 percent of children from heterosexual families. That's 67 percent compared to 14 percent."

Eight percent of adult children reared by lesbians "had a homosexual relationship even though they weren't sexually attracted to same-sex partners," Hansen wrote.

Hansen, who works with marriage, parenting, male-female difference issues, told WND that there is little scientific research on the long-term impact of homosexual parenting on children, and no definitive conclusions can be drawn.

However, she said what information is available suggests children raised by homosexuals have different sexual orientation, gender identity and gender role behaviors from those children raised by heterosexual couples.

The concealment of information is no surprise, either.

"Most of the researchers involved in the study of homosexually-parented children are self-proclaimed pro-homosexual parenting researchers," Hansen told WND. "Many of these researchers, as well as others, admit that acknowledging differences between homosexually- and heterosexually-parented children would be detrimental to their goals of wide-spread social acceptance of same-sex marriage, homosexual adoption, homosexual foster parenting, etc.

"Concealing and/or downplaying research findings that suggest differences between children reared by homosexuals and those reared by heterosexuals, changes the way some citizens vote and judges rule on issues related to same-sex marriage, homosexual adoption, etc. And many of those who conduct those studies know that," she continued.

Policymakers need that information to make reasonable policy, too.

"The circumstances under which children are reared are immensely important to a civilization. Earlier social experiments, such as no-fault divorce and the broad acceptance of single motherhood, resulted in disaster by increasing the number of fatherless children, many who now fill our prisons and welfare rolls. Policy makers, judges, and citizens need to know the truth: children need fathers and changing legal standards such as the definition of marriage will deliberately deprive even more children of them," her report said.

"Homosexuals, and others who support their cause, understandably desire social and legal acceptance of their lifestyles and partnerships. One of the methods for achieving that goal is to convince the public that homosexual parenting isn't detrimental to children. Concealing and/or downplaying research findings which reveal that children raised by homosexuals are different in fundamental ways from other children, is part of that socio-political agenda intended to sway voters and judges," she said.

Hansen suggested all scientists have biases – especially when such an "emotionally-charged" issue is at hand.

But if the authors of these studies want to be regarded as scientists, and not activists, "they must set aside their biases and straightforwardly present their findings," she wrote.

"No one should be surprised that homosexual parents are more likely to raise homosexual children. As one of the few forthright pro-homosexual advocates proclaimed, 'Of course our children are going to be different,'" Hansen said. "No one knows for sure by what complex mechanisms homosexual parents disproportionately rear homosexual children. But regardless of how, it appears they do. The public needs to be made aware of the findings of these studies so that when courts adjudicate and citizens vote on issues related to homosexuality, they're fully informed as to the possible consequences of those decisions on children."

Hansen's review encompassed nine studies, virtually all of the documentation available on the subject for her selected class of children.

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