Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Carrie Prejean fired by Trump

I've never seen Trump show such indecisiveness, flipping so quickly.


Carrie Prejean fires back after losing Miss California crown
Jun 10, 2009, 06:45 PM | by Josh Rottenberg

Categories: News

In an interview with TMZ, deposed Miss California Carrie Prejean said that she was "shocked" at the news she had been stripped of her crown and fired back at pageant owner Donald Trump and the pageant producers. Prejean, who was fired by Trump for failing to get clearance for extracurricular activities, claims in response that pageant head Keith Lewis actually encouraged her to pose for Playboy magazine and appear in the reality series "I'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here!" Prejean, who sparked controversy with comments she made against gay marriage, insists the real motivation behind her firing was political: "What's behind this, I think, is a political debate. They don't agree with the stance that I took [on California's Proposition 8].... From day one they wanted me out, and they got what they wanted."

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