Sunday, April 27, 2008

Gift of numbers

None of our kids has the gift of numbers. Some of them do just fine in math, but the others struggle over every assignment. None of them can rattle off answers right upon seeing the question. None of them zealously attempts the extra credit problems, or takes the current lesson and experiments with new or advanced applications that aren't included in the lesson. There just isn't the curiosity, passion, zeal, or agility with numbers.

For me it's a taste of death. It's as if they will never see life as I've seen it, never explore the horizons I've been to, never enter certain doors, or contemplate some of the mysteries this side of paradise.

Why not? I ask that every time I find myself explaining a mind-numbingly basic concept over and over to a child who seems incapable of retaining the core building blocks she's going to need just to get by. I wonder if it's because she's hard-wired as a girl. I wonder if she's been failed by her teachers who only have Education degrees. I wonder if I've dropped the ball.

All of these are probably true. But had they the gift, the gift would have triumphed over any of these obstacles. None of them have the gift. Why Lord did you pass over this house?

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