Sunday, April 27, 2008

Gift of imagination

Some people have photographic memory. Some people can create and retain images in their mind's eye. Along with this gift comes a burden: of being barraged with images and creations throughout the waking day, even through sleep.

In the spiritual life, this is a plus and a minus. A plus, because at Mass it is no problem to walk down the apparently vacant center aisle pushing oneself through the crowd of guardian angels toward calvary, where the priest-Christ, encircled by Mary and John and Mary Magdalen, raises up the bread-God, where the angel takes it from his hands to the altar in heaven.

It is a minus because random images assault the workday, intrude upon prayer, divert and tempt and scatter, relentlessly.

The remedy? As one wise man said, who I think knew from experience, you can't suppress this. You can only channel. The best defense is a good offense: feed the furnance with a regular dose of images of our victory.

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