Saturday, March 22, 2008

The conversion of Jews

This in today:

BERLIN (Reuters) - The leader of Germany's Jewish community said on Friday she was surprised Pope Benedict could have allowed a new version of a Good Friday prayer for the conversion of Jews. Charlotte Knobloch, president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany... criticized the new version because it still says they should recognize Jesus Christ as the savior of all men. It asks that "all Israel may be saved" and Jews say it keeps an underlying call to conversion that they had wanted removed. Knobloch said that she could not envision a continuation of the inter-religious dialogue as long as the old prayer stands.

"As long as the Catholic Church, that is to say Pope Benedict, does not return to the previous wording, I assume that there will not be any further dialogue in the form that we were able to have in the past," Knobloch said.

So, the Jews can demand that Catholics change the core proposal of our religion -- that Christ is God and all must believe that to be saved -- but heaven help the person who makes any demands upon the Jews.

Lord, what is your plan for these your chosen ones, the porcupines? We love them Lord, like one loves a cranky older sister. Help us endure them and grow in affection for them.

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