Saturday, March 30, 2013

Why we want to ban homeschooling in America

The Obama Admin is planning to deport a German homeschooling family who sought political asylum in the United States. In Germany, homeschooling has been banned since the years preceding the rise of Hitler. This puts liberals in a bind. On the one hand, we are for free choice in general, and natural local solutions instead of institutionalized corporate solutions. On the other hand, there are utopians among us who see compulsory schooling as the critical linchpin to ensure future generations believe as we do. With conservatives having babies at higher rates than liberals in general, they will overtake liberals in a democracy unless liberals can convert their children. This is why 'we' (liberals) want to ban homeschooling and why weren't squawking about this case, which would otherwise have gotten the attention of the ACLU.

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