Saturday, February 14, 2009

Tolerance goes both ways

'Gays' crush Christian speech
TV stations cave to homosexual lobby, refuse to reveal LGBT agenda

Posted: February 13, 2009
11:35 pm Eastern

By Chelsea Schilling
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Several television stations are caving to pressure from the homosexual community and refusing to run "Speechless: Silencing Christians," a one-hour paid program sponsored by the American Family Association.

WOOD-TV 8, a television station in Grand Rapids, Mich., has decided against airing the special about the agenda of homosexual activists and their impact on families and freedom of religion.

According to the Grand Rapids Press, "In a letter promoting the program, the American Family Association asserts that most Americans get their 'information about the homosexual movement from the secular news media and Hollywood, which not only support but promote the gay agenda. What people know is tainted by pro-homosexual propaganda.'"

WSYX in Columbus, Ohio, has also refused the air the program. WSPA in Greenville, S.C., reportedly ran the special, but then it issued an apology from the station manager.

"Speechless" features stories about Christians who have been arrested and charged with felonies for preaching the gospel. According to the film, many are living in situations where they have been intimidated into silence.

A former lesbian speaks about her conversion to Christianity.

"The gay community wants tolerance," she said. "They can't tolerate a story like mine that says, you know, I used to be gay, but with the help of Jesus, I've been able to overcome that."

According to one man in the film, Christians are often portrayed as "mean and hateful."

"It creates a context where violence is being perpetrated against Christians," he said.

The special, hosted by talk show host Janet Parshall, emphasizes the media's role in promotion of homosexuals' "radical agenda," and includes examples of how television shows and movies such as "Friends," "Will & Grace," "The L-Word," "The War at Home," "ER" and "Entourage" attempt to persuade viewers that aversions to homosexuality stem from bigotry and ignorance.

"Speechless" explores the homosexual lobby's impact on school curriculums. Videos promoted as anti-bullying actually endorsed "gay" lifestyles, and students were forced to view them during school hours. It claims homosexual lobbyists also push for "gay" literature in schools.

According to the program, the homosexual activist agenda demands same-sex "marriage," teaches children that homosexuality is normal, promotes homosexual service in the armed forces, pushes for hate crime laws that threaten freedom of speech, calls for laws forcing Christian business to hire homosexuals and insists upon reserving minority status and preferential treatment for them.

"If you think that agenda is bad for America, you must do something," a female voiceover states.

While WOOD-TV 8 moved the original airing from a Monday slot before President Barack Obama's 8 p.m. news conference to a Saturday afternoon spot, it finally decided against running it altogether.

"We made a gesture of the 2-3 p.m. Saturday time period. It's been 24 hours and we had no response," station General Manager Diane Kniowski told the Grand Rapids Press in a statement Wednesday.

"Our station is being bombarded with calls and messages, and we find ourselves in the middle of someone else's fight. Ours was a fair offer and we are removing ourselves from this matter," Kniowski said.

The Human Rights Campaign, a pro-homosexual organization, issued a national alert against the film and urged people to call for its cancellation.

"I am so proud of our members who answered the lies and distortions of the AFA and stopped this campaign of hate and deception," said Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese. "Our community stood up and would not let those lies stand."

"This should be our wake up call. We are poised to make real progress, for the first time, for millions of LGBT Americans. We know it and so do our opponents," added Solmonese. "We must stand guard and not allow them to stop these overdue, basic protections by rolling out the same, tired script albeit in new packaging."

He continued, "Today's action proves we have the voices and the power to demand a fair fight and a fair debate."

The entire video is available online.

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