Monday, February 22, 2010

Mark Steyn: After America (post Obama)

Product Description
Forget Jimmy Carter, LBJ’s Great Society, or the new New Deal. The new Administration is embarking on something far more radical and transformative: a full-scale Europeanization of American exceptionalism. In the eagerly anticipated After America, New York Times best-selling author Mark Steyn argues that Barack Obama is not the first African-American President but the first Scandinavian Prime Minister of the United States—a man who underneath his teleprompter cool, takes a profoundly continental view of big government. If you prefer nanny-state security to individual liberty, bureaucratic regulation to economic dynamism, and like the sound of countries that levy a flatulence tax per cow you own, you’re in for a treat. But for the rest of us, the U.S. is rapidly approaching a tipping point that will condemn its people to life in a post-prosperity America mired in the same arthritic torpor as the rest of the West and will also leave the world a far more dangerous place. If you thought America Alone was both horrifying and hilarious, After America will have you laughing through your tears as Steyn reveals the drastic—and disastrous— changes that are in store for America. --This text refers to the Audio CD edition.
About the Author
Steyn is a columnist for Britain's Daily Telegraph and Canada's National Post. He is theatre critic of The New Criterion, North American correspondent of The Spectator, and also contributes to The Wall Street Journal and The American Spectator. He is a Canadian citizen.

Mark Steyn: Lights Out

Product Description
Roaming from America to Europe to Australia, Lights Out is a trenchant examination of the tensions between a resurgent Islam and a fainthearted west - and of the implications for liberty in the years ahead.

In 2007, the Canadian Islamic Congress brought three suits against Maclean s, Canada s biggest-selling newsweekly, for running an excerpt from Steyn s bestselling book America Alone, plus other flagrantly Islamophobic columns by the author. A year later the CIC had lost all its cases and Steyn had become a poster boy for a worldwide phenomenon - the collision between Islam, on the one hand, and, on the other, western notions of free speech, liberty and pluralism.

In this book, Steyn republishes all the essays the western world's new thought police attempted to criminalize, along with new material responding to his accusers. Covering other crises from the Danish cartoons to the Salman Rushdie fatwa, he also takes a stand against the erosion of free speech, and the advance of a creeping totalitarian "multiculturalism"; and he considers the broader relationship between Islam and the west in a time of unprecedented demographic transformation.

About the Author
Mark Steyn is the author of America Alone: The End Of The World As We Know It, a New York Times bestseller in the United States and a Number One bestseller in Canada, where it was the subject of three separate complaints to the country's many "human rights" commissions. Steyn is also National Review's Happy Warrior; a contributing editor to Canada's bestselling newsweekly, Maclean's; an internationally syndicated columnist; a visiting fellow at Hillsdale College; and a popular guest host of some of the highest-rated radio and TV talk shows.

America Alone by Mark Steyn

Steyn details the demographic decline of the West within the next generation.

Muslim demographics: Europe majority Muslim by 2050

Napolitano: domestic jihadists > foreign jihadists

This, coming from the liberal former Arizona governor. Here's the story.


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WASHINGTON (AP) - Americans who turn to terrorism and plot against the U.S. are now as big a concern as international terrorists, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Sunday.

The government is just starting to confront this reality and does not have a good handle on how to prevent someone from becoming a violent extremist, she said.

In the last year, Napolitano said, she's witnessed a movement from international extremism to domestic extremism - cases in which Americans radicalized and decided to plot attacks against the country.

"What really is it that draws a young person being raised in the United States to want to go and be at a camp in Yemen and then come back to the United States with the idea of committing harm within the United States?" Napolitano asked without citing specific cases. "Where in that person's formulation is there an opportunity to break that cycle?"

One case is that of Najibullah Zazi, the Denver airport driver who has been charged with plotting to use explosives to attack the U.S.

Born in Afghanistan, Zazi had lived in the U.S. since he was 14 years old. In recent years, prosecutors say, he traveled overseas to receive training from al-Qaida.

Speaking to governors who are in Washington for their annual conference, Napolitano said this problem is one that needs to be drilled down and analyzed.

Napolitano was in a wheelchair Sunday because she broke her ankle playing tennis a few weeks ago, a Homeland Security official said.

John Brennan, President Barack Obama's homeland security adviser, echoed Napolitano's concerns about violent extremism Sunday.

Countering violent extremism is not just a federal issue, Brennan told the governors; it's something that needs to be addressed as a nation.

The White House hosted a meeting to discuss these issues Friday, Brennan said.

"There needs to be community engagement," he said.

Brennan pointed to a case from late last year when five young Pakistani men living in Northern Virginia traveled to Pakistan seeking training from al-Qaida.

The FBI learned of the missing men from their families. After the men disappeared in late November, their families, members of the local Muslim community, sought help from a non-governmental organization, which put them in touch with the FBI.

"It's that engagement with those local communities that's going to be the critically important mechanism to detect that radicalization even before they depart," Brennan said.

The government has been engaged in this sort of outreach for years. Homeland Security officials have periodic meetings with Muslim communities. And FBI agents in certain parts of the country regularly reach out to Muslim communities and leaders.