Sunday, December 20, 2009

China late-term abortion actual footage

You're able to see a fleeting glimpse of the stillborn child, aparently burned from a saline solution.

China abortion

A woman expresses regret.

Abortion documentary part 1

Done for a school project.

Documentary of a Russian late-term abortion clinic

The abortionist explains how tough it is -- 'yes, it is legalized murder' -- but justifies it as the lesser evil.

Abortion in a Spanish clinic

The first televised abortion in Spain.

Non-religious Christmas at the White House

The Obamas are not Christian.

"The embattled White House Social Secretary, Desiree Rogers says that the Obamas were planning a "non-religious Christmas." According to the Sunday New York Times the confession emerged at a luncheon earlier this year with former White House social secretaries. The ladies must have choked on their Caesar salads when Rogers went on to announce that the Obamas did not intend to display the Christmas Creche--the manger scene that traditionally occupies a central spot in the East Room. (This revelation reportedly drew a gasp from the retired social secretaries). The idea was that the absence of the Creche (i.e.,Christ's Birth) would make Christmas "more inclusive". Though there was serious discussion of keeping the shepherds and the Holy Family in storage, tradition finally won out. So good of the Social Secretary to put Jesus on the Christmas party invite list."